Project and constructions management encompasses all phases of construction from pre-planning, budgeting and scheduling through design, bid and award, construction and move-in The management of any type and scale of projects requires comprehensive knowledge and understanding of modern management as well as of the design and construction process. Construction projects have a specific set of objectives and constraints such as a required time frame for completion. Project and construction management is the art of directing and coordinating human and material resources throughout the life of a project by using modern management techniques to achieve predetermined objectives of scope, cost, time, quality and participation satisfaction.
A variety of specific management tool sheets have been developed by JKA in order to facilitate and keep track of the design and construction process including:
- Project schedule designs and construction incl. Project milestone records
- Project work plans
- Summary of standard project services
- Building Code analysis and Code data sheets
- LEED evaluation checklist
- Complete drawings checklist
- Building permit submission checklist
- Pre-construction meeting agenda
- Contract administration checklist
- Standard contract administration protocol
- Occupancy permit and substantial performance checklist
- Notice of certificate of completion